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Showing posts from May, 2016

African Americans Are The Largest Group Affected By HIV/AIDS in the U.S.

Recently a statistic was released stating that Atlanta Ga now has the highest incidence of HIV in the United States.   This picture taking from Instagram, has been floating all over social media. 1 in 51 people living in Georgia are expected to have HIV in their lifetime.  According to some these statistics are on the same level as African Countries. Dr. Anthony Faucia from the National Institute of Health, has been making medical strides against HIV/AIDS for the last 30 years. Recently he held a conference with statistical slides unveiling information that African Americans are most affected by HIV/AIDS in The United States. According to Dr Faucia when AIDS first came out patients died within 1-2 years.  Now with medication patients can live an additional 50 years.   With the antiretroviral medications available in this country there is noway people should continue dying of AIDS. There is a realistic possibility to vanish HIV/AIDS by 2030 ...

How I Stopped Binge Eating Naturally

I secretly binged on food and junk for years.  For as long as I can remember my cardinal sin has been chocolate.  I have an 18 year old son (Junior) and I remember when he was just an infant if I ever felt stressed I would eat Hershey chocolate bar after Hershey chocolate bar.  As a mom with a new baby boy I signed up for a Sam's Club membership (strictly for the bulk diapers of course). Well it wasn't long before I found myself in the bulk candy aisle.  Q:  Doing what, you say?  A:  I was buying Hershey chocolate bars by the case. Ashamedly I must admit, I would eat those chocolate bars until I literally became sick.  This bad habit along with the poor portion control habits I learned as a child would stick with me for the next 18 years.   Honestly I wouldn't have called myself a binge eater at the time. The only disease that I understood to be a food disorder was "bulimia".  In my mind if I wasn't purging then I didn...

Natural Curly Hair Updo

Here's a quick and easy natural updo hairstyle.  It's a faux hawk without all of the extra effort.  This hairstyle  is great for when your curls have started to fall and you want to wear something different for the day instead of leaving your hair down.  Warning this video is mainly still pictures with audio explaining the tutorial.  Better camera - hopefully coming soon.   Full description including links to how to make your own conditioner and sock bun here .